Submitted by Rijidij on Fri, 12/07/2013 - 16:31
The worst kind of error is one that doesn't look like an error.
You may recall that I manage several Drupal multi-site installations and use Drush to move them through development to production. I thought I'd document a drush sql-sync gotcha that could cause a lot of damage, and hopefully save others from doing the same.
Submitted by Rijidij on Thu, 04/07/2013 - 12:21
It's been described as the Swiss army knife for Drupal developers, and I wouldn't be without it. Drush is a fantastic tool and a great time saver - but not without issues...
Submitted by Rijidij on Sun, 30/06/2013 - 23:30
Have a look at the header of this site. By default, the whole slogan appears in italics.
But what if I want say, my name in bold, normal; and the rest in italics?
Sometime CSS alone doesn't quite get the job done.
Read more to find out how I did it.
Submitted by Rijidij on Sat, 29/06/2013 - 18:46
I recently found a really cool "fan-stack" (that's my name for it) gallery teaser widget.
It's from megadrupal's blog and can be found here.
You can have as many images as you like (if your content type is set up that way) but only the top 3 are visible. Click on the images below to see the bonus 4th image!