Fuller Hair World

A new website that I developed for my friends Rene and Adrian at R&A Fuller Hair World.

I built their original site (in hand-crafted PHP and HTML), which served them faithfully for over 10 years! I am very pleased and honoured that they asked me, once again, to create an exciting and dynamic web presence for them.

R&A Fuller Hair World

sites.php + drush: A cautionary tale.

The worst kind of error is one that doesn't look like an error.

You may recall that I manage several Drupal multi-site installations and use Drush to move them through development to production. I thought I'd document a drush sql-sync gotcha that could cause a lot of damage, and hopefully save others from doing the same.

Drush (rsync)

It's been described as the Swiss army knife for Drupal developers, and I wouldn't be without it. Drush is a fantastic tool and a great time saver - but not without issues...

It's the little things...

Have a look at the header of this site. By default, the whole slogan appears in italics.
But what if I want say, my name in bold, normal; and the rest in italics?
Sometime CSS alone doesn't quite get the job done.

Read more to find out how I did it.


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