
Techie type, or work-related articles.

sites.php + drush: A cautionary tale.

The worst kind of error is one that doesn't look like an error.

You may recall that I manage several Drupal multi-site installations and use Drush to move them through development to production. I thought I'd document a drush sql-sync gotcha that could cause a lot of damage, and hopefully save others from doing the same.


Is it just me, or have Drupal updates been coming thick and fast lately?
I have been fairly busy updating the various sites I support, and it seems as soon as I finish one round of core or security updates, a notification arrives announcing the next one...

Theme upgrade

The previous version of this site was using a customised version of a theme called I Feel Dirty
I was kind of attached to it but unfortunately there is no Drupal 7 version available. In fact, version 6 wasn't very well maintained either. I think the developer must have lost interest.*
So, as a learning exercise, I thought I'd update it to version 7.
It was originally converted from a WordPress theme, so it probably wasn't the best choice.
If it works out OK, I'll upload it to the community themes.

*I'm now beginning to see why.

Please excuse the mess...

I am currently in the process of upgrading the site to Drupal 7
This is long overdue, and a work-in-progress, so things may look a bit ugly round here for a while...


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